About Us
GMG GROUP was founded in the late 80’s as a company specializing in the field of Human resource procurement development, Air travel services, Real-estate sector and Hospitality management. Our flagship company, GMG trading exceeds the number of 70,000 candidates deployed around the world and those are keeping excellent contribution in all aspects of company’s operations. We have been self-sufficient in ticketing and meeting air-ticket demands over 20 million and that’s why GMG group today has become a player recognized in several areas with several achievements and successes.
Maintaining our prime focus on human resource development, we have formed a backward and forward linkage in the form of tasfia aviation limited and GMG technical and training centre,
which trains our selected skilled and semi-skilled candidates to remarkably fit our partners workforce and ensures diligent and timely deployment. Each entity functioning independently with diligence and breakthrough innovations to meet all internal and external demands. Moreover, We have taken that success and work ethic to the field of Real-estate and proud to say, We constructed an 18-storied corporate tower( GMG Tower), Our corporate headquarter in the heart of Dhaka city with many completed and ongoing projects. Our excellence, dedication and punctuality provided us with unimaginable success in gaining trust, market leadership position and unstoppable momentum.
The cornerstone behind the successes achieved by GMG GROUP company chain, is certainly the dedication of the management and staff in customer service at the highest level of professionalism and performance. The solid partnership that we have built with our customers, and their confidence in our capabilities, high-quality selection and work ethic have contributed largely, to recognize and realize our vision and move forward in achieving a high growth rate. Henceforth, over the last 3 decades, we have become the most reputed and reliable company in its diversified field of interests.